BCSLA Showcase

Tomorrow and Saturday we’re participating in the BC Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) 2016 Annual Conference and Showcase.  Landscape Architects, visit us in booth #16 to check out our models of Cascadia Green Wall System and EcoBlanket.

Looking forward to meeting  you and focusing on “Shifting Currents:  Rethinking our Relationships with Water”.

Delegate Bag imprint

EcoBlanket Application for Erosion Control

EcoBlanket Application for Erosion Control

On this project for Metro Vancouver at 200th Street & Brydon in Langley, we applied Terraseeded™ EcoBlanket® for Metro Vancouver.  Installed at the beginning of September 2015 with a low growing reclamation seed, vegetation establishment is excellent due to optimal weather for growing.

Photo taken today, fifteen days after application:

EcoBlanket Application for Erosion Control

















Thanks to Ryan at Scott Resources for the referral on this project.