Right Soil, Right Place

Landscaping Blends

 If you are a gardener, you have heard of “Right Plant, Right Place” – a concept that if you choose the plants that are best suited to the place they are planted, they will thrive without having to over-extend your efforts. Here at Denbow, we know that finding the right soil for the right place will ensure that your plants thrive!

Welcome to our “Right Soil, Right Place” series, where we dive deep into our soils and where they will work best. Starting off the series, we will highlight what we like to call our “landscape” soil blends. This is our TurfZone, PlantZone and NutriMend. Each comes with its own unique qualities and has a specific type of plant or plants that will work best with it. Let’s dive


Our TurfZone blend belongs exactly where you’d think… underneath your lawn! This is the perfect blend of organic products and sand, which will ensure your lawn grows luscious and even. We recommend using this as a lawn growing medium, not a top-dress. While you are more than welcome to use this to top off your lawn, you will have to rake up some of the organic materials from our amender. This blend is ideal for the roots of your grass, meaning when you are starting up your lawn in the warmer months, and need a good nutrient rich soil to put down with your seed, this is it.

Of course, the right plant for this blend would be grass, and the most popular (in fact, we use this blend for our Terraseeding) is an all-purpose grass blend. However, if you want to work with grass blends there are a variety of options such as ryegrass, bluegrass and fescue. This will make sure you have the perfect combination of the right soil, right plant, right place!


Our PlantZone is the perfect blend of our amender, cow peat and sand. This blend ensures your plants get proper nutrients, as well as retaining the proper amount of water that plants need for growth. This blend is used for a variety of applications, but will work best for your planter beds, landscaping and gardens.

PlantZone is primarily meant for your trees and shrubs. This is why we recommend it as a landscaping soil, as it is sure to keep your landscape looking top-notch. PlantZone is suitable for a wide variety of landscape plants. Since the pH tends to be close to 7, it works best for your standard landscape plants. We will talk about a low pH alternative for natives in a future blog. Most importantly, it has the right blend of organics with a small amount of sand for drainage to support your home landscaping needs.


Our NutriMend is the organic base of all of our soil. This is the good stuff that sets the tone for our premium quality soil blends. While we do sell it on its own, it is not meant to be a stand-alone product to plant into. This particular product is meant to help you build up your soil by adding nutrients since it is all organic material. We make our amender by using the Clean Green Forest Debris that comes to us from certified contractors. It undergoes a thorough composting and aging process, and then we process it through a 3/8” screener. All this being said, the “right place” for our NutriMend would be adding it on to existing soil or working to create your own soil blend by adding things such as pumice, etc. And the right plants for NutriMend? Let your imagination go wild! NutriMend will work perfectly with all plants listed above, any other local trees, fauna, and shrubs (as long as you make sure you are adding other things or adding it to existing soil).


These landscaping soils are sure to help create the best base for your upcoming yard projects. Adding the right soil to the right place with the right plants will ensure the most beautiful result. For all you folks out there wondering “well, what about my vegetable and flower gardens?” Don’t you worry, as we will touch on our specialty soils in the next edition of Right Soil, Right Place. So, keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come!

In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding our above products, or other products we make, reach out to us at 1-866-933-6269 or info@denbow.com.